Brazilian Wine Tasting - Reviewed

Brazilian wine Tasting February 29th 

We made good use of the extra day in February to host our first wine tasting of the year.

Brazil has come an awful long way since I first embarked on my wine education. They were a small paragraph in a large book, but like other south American countries which are at the forefront of the global wine industry, technology, education, and modern techniques have brought them onto the World stage.

There was no one better qualified to enlighten us of the current industry practices in this vast country than Nicholas Corfe of Go Brazil wines. An importer of fine Brazilian wines since 2010. Fluent in Portuguese and married to a native.

There are a multitude of climates and regional variations within the country and a large European influence with many Brazilians of German and Italian descent and grapes which were brought over from the motherland. Grapes such as Teroldego which originates in northeast Italy. It’s rich and spicy like a Zinfandel and has a lick of lean acidity that brings the soft fruit and spice into focus. Possibly the favourite of the evening.

We have this, Syrah, Malbec, Riesling, and Muscat on the shelf if you are yearning for something a little more adventurous.

Huge thanks to Nick for his ace presentation & Neil from Hispa for organising the evening and to the brilliant crowd who turned up!